F&S 23.24

Winter 2021 Brandeis Medical Advisory Group 

Brandeis Medical Advisory Group 

Like schools around the country, Brandeis has had to marshall a variety of resources to enable students to safely attend classes in person during the pandemic. A particularly invaluable source of expertise and creative thinking has been our Medical Advisory Group.
Brandeis Medical Advisory Group 

Like schools around the country, Brandeis has had to marshall a variety of resources to enable students to safely attend classes in person during the pandemic. A particularly invaluable source of expertise and creative thinking has been our Medical Advisory Group.

This group of current and former Brandeis parents, all of whom are respected physicians, has advised our Head of School and offered guidance on everything from reopening plans to our ongoing policies and procedures related to masking and vaccines. The group also holds regular all-parent forums via Zoom to address questions about the changing landscape of the pandemic and keeping families safe and healthy. They provide ongoing reassurance and expertise to the community, along with a hefty dose of compassion, patience, and good humor. 
We are also grateful to Dr. Bob Wachter, the Chair of UCSF’s Department of Medicine and a frequent contributor to UCSF’s Medical Grand Rounds pandemic-era video series, who is the father of two Brandeis alumni. In collaboration with Dr. Wachter, we were able to partner with Mission Wellness, a specialty pharmacy who led the first of two on-site vaccine clinics for 5-11 year olds in November. These clinics are open to the general public, and we are proud to host such an important event on our campus. 

Thank you to the members of the Medical Advisory Group! We are grateful for your dedication to the welfare of our community. 
Dr. Rebecca Berman, Dr. Matthew Cooperberg, Dr. Erin Gordon, Dr. Louise Greenspan, Dr. Franklin Huang, Dr. Erica Lawson, Dr. Samantha Kamras, Dr. Won Kim, Dr. Aaron Kornblith, Dr. Lucy Kornblith, and Dr. Jonathan Terdiman.  
