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Classroom Spotlight: Photographers Head to the Zoo

Photographers Head to the Zoo

by Evan Spiler
With the end of the year finally upon us, our 7th and 8th grade photographers were excited to take their culminating trip to the San Francisco Zoo. The students have spent half a year in their photography elective learning deep technical skills with their SLR cameras. The ability to find and understand light, control exposure, pinpoint focus, and to do it all quickly and without thinking were all necessary tools they would need to take on the task of getting portraits of the unpredictable moving animal subjects they would find at the zoo. We were blessed with a sunny day and the kids had an absolute blast, capturing some of their best photos of the year, and taking home framed prints of their favorites. Some of the students became true professionals today, making their first sales of prints to excited Brandeis teachers. Congrats on a great year everyone!